Yeah, I know I need to update more, but personal things are making this difficult for me at the moment.
The first thing I'm going to discuss is the recent db server crash which thankfully was nothing to worry about, just a hiccup in the system, but it was unfortunately something I couldn't fix directly and had to have the ISP techs reboot it on their end.
Second is the character server crashes. We know what is causing the problem (have for a while) and have been working on it, and I expect good news on that in a day or two. Hopefully that will take care of it and everything will be running smoothly again. @.@
Third is the webserver, I realize that it's been down a long while and everyone is impatient. I finally have it back from the looks of things, but prospects are looking bad and we are running a high probability of data loss from what it sounded like. I'm more than a little upset and if I was extremely rich or something I'd probably sue the people responsible. We should have it up and running in some form very soon, which is good news, but I am not sure what shape it will be in. So that's kind of bad news.
And lastly, regarding blog comment moderation, Gene has been very not on top of it. I will kick him to do a better job.
That's all for now.
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Glad at least ya made a post regarding the crash and updates. It really good to know this server is still going strong. Rumors been spreading. Hope u guyz cool off the flames.
first post
well good thing the online is still up.
Finally some "good" news..
Its good to see things are going to get normal again. That sure wasnt animaro's best month =/
However, a data loss in the forums will make me more than sad, so many threads wich i bookmarked could get lost... =/
Anyway, awesome job guys; im looking forward to have my dear forums back again soon =3
Thank you for updating Harken! We're hanging in there with you.
~Meloria - Eternal Moon Guild
"High probability of data loss"
What exactly does this relate to? Forum posts? Tickets? Ads?
So if the crash resulted in item loss I'm supposed what exactly?
Just wait for the site to come back up x_x?
Go, go! ;D <3
seeing as how ads have skyrocketed, why not reward everyone somehow?
At this moment a data loss might be bad, yeah, but at this point, just getting up the webserver is a pretty important thing.
Especially if data has been lost, there is nothing you can really do about anyway. So even if we get a blank web server, what can we do? We'd just start from scratch there, it should work. However people need a way to register, to download, to create accounts and to get in touch with the GMs.
Must be rather know, are there gms on at least everyday to help with things? Or because of the sites being down does that cause you from not being able to do much to help players? It's just a suggesttion, but maybe get some people to help you guys out with things? Like a little support team or something, I was with one on one server and it was pretty helpful for the most part since there's many players. That way you guys don't get too out of balance with everything going on...
And is there a way to re-install Anima somehow? lol I kinda messed it up and need a reinstall. o.o But I'm assuming with the site down there's no way or is there still a link somewhere? Good luck you guys. o.o
well the good news is that u guys explain to us about the recent crashes and why the forums and website isnt up yet. btw kick gene pls hes gotta check the comments XD jkjk
I think the main concern now is
1. To let everyone knows Animaro is still running strong, we don't want to loss any player, or potential new player. Rumors are spreading around.
2. Have a way for GM and player to communicate, to understand the problem we are facing.
3. To handle bot/ks/other cases that been happening like government without law.
4. To tackler the problem with Character Server which is running down very often.
To counter problem 1-3, a forum is urgently needed. If the existing ISP is not able up the old forum ASAP, I suggest we find an alternative, or setup a temporary forum.
Hope Animaro can survive and run stronger.
Keep up the good job.
cantwait, the animaRO economy is going to hell.
God speed to the site
Tickets are easy to redo but I hope we don't lose our ads.
Re Tommy:
I disagree with the free ads thing, somehow.
But a cool event, that maybe give us increased rates might be a better reward for sticking around.
I still remember the last Event I participated in by Laeryn, the awesome Dano Egg Festival Easter <3
Data loss?
Please tell me it isnt the ads that have been lost. I just donated a week before the website went down. Hopefully the ads are there =/.
Ty for the update GMs. ^_^
Hmm, good and bad news =\ I hope the website goes up soon. People take advantage of its unavailability.
As long as the game stays on, satisfaction still exists.
i think there is still a way to download. firstly, there is the bit torrent file around. and secondly, if you use the cached page on msn live search thing you can get to the page.
but this doesn't help people make accounts.
Something tells me 'soon' is going to be another week or two. >> Until then, feel free to use the forum I set up. At the moment it's getting filled up with some RO sketches by Hosh. =d
Hey, I'm rooting for you Harken. Try not to work too hard and don't take the job all on you. Take it easy one step at a time. But, I wouldn't know because I don't donate and such so I don't mind the site being down but if it was up sooner then maybe the hijacked prices in-game will go down =/. Anyways, Good Luck.
@tommy: Reward us for what? For waiting patiently while the GMs fixed everything? :p
It's great to hear that the site's going to be back online. I started to miss the forums XD
Hello, it's me, Mirandu.
I just wanted to share something with you: Yesterday, I PMed a SinX called Noop I suspected of botting before. Well, he answered yesterday, and openly admitted it, didn't care, said "didn't you know animaro is out", told me that every other high char is botting too.. Probably not true, but it's possible that more and more people abuse the situation.
Some players even think AnimaRO is dead because you can't register new accounts.
Whenever I tried to PM any GM, nobody was online. I kinda do not understand this. I figured out that there must be some "GM bot" in Prontera d/c-ing some Street Chatters. At least something, but it's not enough.
So I ask you: Please do some-thing! Do something to let us players stay in contact with you GMs! The Blogger here is NOT enough.
You are able to do something, so please do it. And don't let us wait for over a month.
So, any word? In a few days, it will have been down for a month...
You guys should update this thing more often.
I would just like to say that We, AnimaRO Players, are running out of MvP cards to buy/sell. This situation might result to some inconvenient consequences(e.g. server quitting and etc.) because AnimaRO is a server based on MvP card power.And As Mirandu said, problems are starting to pile up.
But on the other side, we are still rooting on your side =) Hopefully, It will get fixed soon.
Good luck.
character server went down today :O
keep it up GMs!
fr players who wnt download, we still cn use shoppes of animaRO (
I think you guys are doin good for running into an issue like this. Iv'e run a website before and to have the data get screwed over...Well I would just end it there, because I'm impatient. Keep up the good work Harken seriously. Us true Anima players are 100% supportive and will stick to this server no matter what we face, until you GM's fix the issues at hand.
Plz say this isnt the end of aRO. The site has been down over a month and the population has dropped so dramatically that it is not funny. I dont see any updates, everyone is in the dark. what do we do now? Is it coming back or not? We need to know these things! Plz give us some heads up, even if it is "still in the works" we need to know that we havent lost everything.
I am in support of animaro. It is also a free server and it belongs to you, Harken. With that being said, this "website down" issue is really being handled badly.
True that I nor other players could ever begin to understand whatever you're going through to resolve this. However, why are there not simple steps to put in place while the main server issue is being cleared up? People have offered ideas of temporary forums and I am very sure that some minor in-game issues like bots could be handled by actually having active GM(s) logged in.
I assume most of the population is annoyed without a word or action seen since this post was written on this blog.
Support of your server shouldn't be taken for granted.
We are patiently waiting for things to clear up gm's i hope it is done soon population is dwindling and there is active chat rooms where they are recruiting people to leave and go to other ro servers hope things get back up soon
My gf was scammed today for her Kaho, my question is, with all the people who have been scammed while the server has been down, is there even going to be a way to get they're stuff back? and if not will there be maybe any chance of getting something in return if they have all the nessissary info? ie. screen shots and such. it's pretty sad that this stuff happen's, plus seeing my gf cry makes me angry
It'd be nice if we could get an update GMs, I'm sure you're doing all you can, but an update on what's happening would be great!
Despite the lack of in-game GM activity, Animaro has not yet become a wretched hive of scum and villainy - thank whatever fear of being banned there is still left in a player. While it is true that certain maps have become lawless, I'm happy to say there there are still players who strive past that and continue to play legitimately.
Now the only thing I have to worry about is how horrid the econ will be once the site's back up, not saying it isn't bad now ><
Hooray for aRO! I hope we're allowed to report all the bots and street chatters I've been screenying~ hehe.
And prices are gonna drop HUGELY when ads come back! Sell sell sell!
So. Same old same old? :-\
Can't believe i haven't logged in for almost two weeks! D: Contrary to popular belief, i am not dead... i just have a huge-ass programming project to finish for my class, and my place of employment is severely understaffed. hoo boy~ good times all around.
Well then, on to business.
Benjamin said...
Its good to see things are going to get normal again. That sure wasnt animaro's best month
True, this is possibly the longest span of any one issue aRO has had, but i'm sure that i'm not alone in thinking it is by no means the worst thing that has happened. If anything was going to kill aRO it would have been gone some time ago. Just a reminder.
Corey said...
"High probability of data loss"
What exactly does this relate to? Forum posts? Tickets? Ads?
I'm wondering the same thing. It could be any of those things... or none! Good luck with that, Harken. ^^;;; <3
AnimaRO supporter said...
I would just like to say that We, AnimaRO Players, are running out of MvP cards to buy/sell.
I was thinking the other day that if there was ever a time when i wasn't able to play RO, this is probably a pretty good time. My vending sales were WAY down and i really wanted another dopp card to help with leveling but i couldn't find one after two weeks of searching. Also, there were a lot of issues with the char server going down from time to time, rampant rule-breaking... and i saw cake for 4,500z. wtf, mate? D:
As spoiled as we are with the MVP cards, that's just how we roll. :p When the majority of players have at least one MVP carded piece of equipment, things can get unbalanced mighty fast for the newer players that are trying to work their way up there.
john said...
Plz say this isnt the end of aRO.
John. This isn't the end of aRO. Believe me. They -will- get the webserver up again, regardless of any possible data loss. The only thing that might be a major blow is if the ads are lost. Some people that donated a lot of money might get frustrated and leave... but why? It wouldn't be the GMs' faults, but rather the ISP. And sRO -did- get your money, even if you didn't get to reap any instant gratification from your donation. Some of that money might really be needed soon, and when things finally do get up and running again, wouldn't you like to be around to see your money put to use? (webhost payments, server upgrades, a number of other things.)
It might be looking a little iffy right now with said decrease in population, but just watch how much it will shoot up again when the site and forums return. Think about it: After all that time off, the forum junkies will probably have a 24-hour lurking/posting marathon to make up for lost time. :p Naturally, these people, along with many others will also play more since we'll have a fully (dys?)functional community again. :D
(...long post is loooooooooooooong)
Glad to see you guys are working on this, but do not stress yourself out. Though, is there a torrent link or something somewhere that those who want to dl the game can safely? A friend of mine just DSL and needs a good sturdy link to the game. I'm still looking for one, but wonder if you GM's put up a dl link yet? She has an account but really needs the new patches.
People have been looking for a link for dyefire so here is a direct link in the aegis support forums to it.
Kain Alongrad
Please guys, i'm becoming more desperate by the day.
I'm starting to question ARO as a server.
Somewhere in the back of my head, i keep getting this feeling the site won't be down "just" temporarily.
It pains me to think like that, but that's what I think most of the comunity is thinking.
Please, post MORE, keep us INFORMED, if the site's going to be dead, please TELL us so we won't have to suffer anymore. ;_;
Sigh, the new month began, and still no update, no website, nothing.
I hope the website will be up soon. Personally im somewhat running out of patience :(
Hey whats up with the Download link on the shop page? i,m a third time player.... i quit when tragedy stuck the server...miss Debbie....then attack the attack from talon now this you guys are a good group of strong individuals i hope this server picks back up good luck!!!!!!
Thank you for trying so hard. i don't have an account, but am waiting for the site to come back up to register. please hurry if you can. Thanks!
-Kilothanas, Lord of Chaos
Dude, NEED to update this and tell us what's going on. Anima is crash landing right now because we have no support tickets for the idiots out there making the game suck. The population is dropping down into the depths of hell...and we just really need to be informed on what's going on.
okay i'll try this again... the short short version of what i babbled on about last time.
I have faith that animaro will survive whatever difficulties it is currently experiencing. once the site/forums comes back, the population will rise again. The possibility of data loss worries me, but maybe everything will be fine. Everyone needs to stay positive!
Also my work/class is killing me lately... i want to come back asap! i haven't abandoned you guys! <3
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